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How to crop an image in Java

Crop an image in java

In this article, I will show you how to crop an image in Java using just ImageIO or JDeli.

Crop an image in Java with:


  1. Load the image file using Java ImageIO (which is built into Java)

    BufferedImage image = File("C:\\path\\to\\kitten.jpg"));

  2. Get a cropped version (x, y, width, height) (0,0 is top left corner)

    BufferedImage crop = image.getSubimage(0,0, 100, 100);

  3. Save the image back to a File

    ImageIO.write(crop, "JPEG", new File("C:\\path\\to\\picture.jpeg"));

Note it is important to save the image before applying any other changes as the BufferedImage object is shared between the original and new crop object.


  1. Create a Crop ImageOperation in JDeli (here is how to setup JDeli)

    ImageProcessingOperations imageOps = new ImageProcessingOperations();
    imageOps.crop(new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100)); //you can add other Operations as well

  2. Get a cropped version (x, y, width, height) (0,0 is top left corner)

    JDeli.convert(new File("C:\\path\\to\\picture.jpeg"), new File("C:\\path\\to\\crop.jpeg"), imageOps);

And that is all you need to do!!!