Jacob Collins Jacob is a Java developer and the product manager of JPedal

Digital Signatures in a PDF

1 min read

Signed PDF

Digital signatures are a stamp of authentication for digital information. For PDF files, they provide the ability to detect whether the document has been modified after it was signed by the author. This is especially useful in legal settings where the authenticity of the document needs to be verified.

How do they work?

In PDF files, a digital signature is contained within the /Contents key of a signature dictionary object. This digital signature is comprised of the hash of the document encrypted with the signer’s private key, a copy of their certificate, and various metadata entries.

Alongside it there shall also be a /ByteRange key that indicates which bytes in the file the signature represents. Typically, this is every byte in the file except the bytes containing the signature. i.e, the value of the /Contents key.

Supported signature types

The PDF specification defines three types of signatures that are supported, including:

  • PKCS #1
  • PKCS #7
  • CAdES (PAdES)

PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures (PAdES) are the latest and greatest addition to PDF which supports the EU eIDAS regulations, long term validation (LTV), multiple signatures, temper detection, and time stamping.

Use JPedal to create digital signatures

Digitally signing PDF files in JPedal is achieved using a single method:

All you need is your PKCS #12 key store, containing your certificate and private key.

Access Permission refers to the /DocMDP category of a PDF signature dictionary.
    P1: Any changes to the document will invalidate the signature
    P2: You are allowed to fill in forms without invalidating the signature
    P3: You are allowed all the changes from level 2, and you can manipulate annotations without invalidating the signature

Our software libraries allow you to

Convert PDF to HTML in Java
Convert PDF Forms to HTML5 in Java
Convert PDF Documents to an image in Java
Work with PDF Documents in Java
Read and Write AVIF, HEIC, WEBP and other image formats
Jacob Collins Jacob is a Java developer and the product manager of JPedal