Here at IDR we have created our own Viewer, to be able to view your PDF documents.


What is inside a PDF file?

A PDF document structure consists of several components that determines how text, images and other elements are stored and displayed. It is a binary...
Jacob Collins
1 min read

How JPedal allows you to view the commands in…

A new version of JPedal has been released and it contains an exciting new feature—the object stream decoder. If you want to use this...
Jacob Collins
39 sec read

How to view PDF files in Java (Tutorial)

If you want to view PDF files in your Java application you will quickly find that Java has no native support for the PDF...
Jacob Collins
1 min read

Grey box appears within display area

It has been apparent for a while that there was a short coming in Swing where a grey box appears within display area when...
Kieran France
1 min read

How to reselect elements in a JTree

Some time ago I needed some functionality on a JTree that didn’t seem to exist already built in to the TreeSelectionListener that can be...
Kieran France
2 min read

Java, Touchscreen and Swing

My personal laptop has recently had to be retired. A combination of age, damage to the outer case and over heating problems has made...
Kieran France
1 min read