Alicia Alicia is part of the IDRsolutions marketing team. She enjoys creating new and innovative content and running our social media channels.

Are you a Java Developer working with Image files?

Read and write images in Java with JDeli

What is JPEG2000?

58 sec read


What is JPEG2000?

JPEG2000 is an image decoding standard that was originally developed in 1997-2000 as a replacement for the original JPEG file format. It is not backward compatible. The aim was to produce smaller files than possible with JPEG format. It uses lossy compression image mode that is based on discrete wavelet transformation.

The filename extensions commonly associated with JPEG 2000 are: .jp2, .j2k, and .jpx.

Here are some other questions about JPEG2000 you might also want to ask. If you have any other questions, please add a comment and we will try to answer.

Which is better JPEG or JPEG2000?

JPEG2000 is essentially an update on JPEG. Which format is better depends on your personal use case. Here are the differences between JPEG or JPEG2000 image file format.

  • Optimum file size for small images
  • Most widely supported in browsers
  • Good color range
  • Good for color photos but not that great for plain text
  • Low compression ratio for lossy compression

JPEG 2000

  • Better on large images (for smaller images jpeg is still smaller)
  • No universal browser support
  • Encoding is CPU intensive and encoding is not as fast and easy as encoding in jpeg
  • The file format is less likely to be affected by ‘bit errors’ and other file system errors due to its more efficient coding structure

Is it possible to convert JPG2000 to JPG?

Yes. You can convert JPG2000 to JPG and JPG to JPG2000.

How to open JPEG2000 files in Java?

ImageIO (the built-in Java Image library) includes support for JPEG2000 images.

There are several commercial JPEG2000 solutions available. Our JDeli library allows you to read, write and display JPEG2000 files

Find out how to read and write images files in Java with JDeli:

Read: BufferedImage image =;

Write: JDeli.write(myBufferedImage, OutputFormat.HEIC, outputStreamOrFile)

Learn more >>

Alicia Alicia is part of the IDRsolutions marketing team. She enjoys creating new and innovative content and running our social media channels.

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