Amy Pearson

  Amy is a Java developer and member of the support team. Her main technical interests are JavaFX and Cloud. Out of hours she enjoys gaming and Virtual reality.


19 Stories by Amy Pearson

What is JPEG XL?

What is JPEG XL? JPEG XL (ISO/IEC 18181) is an open-source file format for raster-graphics that is effective for lossy and lossless compression. It...
1 min read

What is JBIG2?

JBIG2 is a lossless and lossy compression standard for bi-level images like scanned documents, offering high compression ratios by identifying and encoding similar shapes...
47 sec read

Dependabot and other dependency update tools

What are auto dependency update tools? Automatic Dependancy update tools are used to monitor your dependencies, by checking the semantic versioning of your dependencies...
1 min read

Comparing WebP compression algorithms

In this article we will be comparing the different compression methods available to use for WebP images. To do this, we will be using...
1 min read

What is SGI file format?

What is SGI file format? SGI is a bitmap image file format for storing pixel data. It has 2-channel support (.bw for black and...
41 sec read