Kieran France Kieran France is a programmer for IDRSolutions in charge of internal Java testing. In his spare time he enjoys tinkering with gadgets and code.


26 Stories by Kieran France

What is XMP metadata and why it is useful

Recently at IDR Solutions we have been busy working away and added support for reading and writing of XMP metadata to Tiff images with the...
2 min read

Running tests on both JavaFX and Swing using Junit

In a previous article I began to describe how you can set up a test frame using JUnit and Jemmy that could easily be...
3 min read

Grey box appears within display area

It has been apparent for a while that there was a short coming in Swing where a grey box appears within display area when...
1 min read

How to reselect elements in a JTree

Some time ago I needed some functionality on a JTree that didn’t seem to exist already built in to the TreeSelectionListener that can be...
2 min read

Some oddities whilst working with BufferedImages

Recently I have been working on some code that makes some heavy use of BufferedImages. I have found some oddities whilst working with BufferedImages...
1 min read