Kieran France Kieran France is a programmer for IDRSolutions in charge of internal Java testing. In his spare time he enjoys tinkering with gadgets and code.


26 Stories by Kieran France

Java, Touchscreen and Swing

My personal laptop has recently had to be retired. A combination of age, damage to the outer case and over heating problems has made...
1 min read

Indenting your own code

Code indentation is very important in making your code readable and easy to follow. Recently we have considered how to format our own code...
1 min read

Drawing Java Components without displaying them.

Recently I have had a need to draw a pdf page to a provided graphics object. Considering that we draw the page to a...
1 min read

How are Text spaces created in a PDF file?

Did you know that PDF files can actually define spaces in several different ways? Three common ways I have found of representing spaces between...
1 min read

Search PDF Files With Regular Expressions – Searching With Regular Expressions

Recently our search code has undergone a major update to give you greater control over what text you can find. We have now made...
53 sec read