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Java 8 Repeating Annotation Explained in 5 minutes

At IDR Solutions we use Java 8 for the development of our products (a Java PDF Viewer and SDKPDF to HTML5 converter and a Java ImageIO replacement). In this article, we will be looking at Repeating Annotations…

What is Repeating Annotations?

Prior to Java8, it was forbidden to declare more than one annotation of the same type to the same location of a code. Java8 introduces the repeating annotation. This means the same annotations can be repeated as much as you want at the same locations.

Let’s have a look at this code.

Prior to Java8, to have a repeated annotation, will have to group them in a container annotation

@Manufacturer(name =”BMW”),
@Manufacturer(name = “Range Rover”)

public class Car{
//code goes in here

With Java8 repeating annotations, it gives us the flexibility to write the same thing without any container annotation

@Manufacturer(name = “BMW”)
@Manufacturer(name= “Range Rover”)
public class Car{
//code goes in here

Though the container annotation was not used here, the Java compiler this time around takes responsibility for wrapping the two annotations into a container.

Now let’s look at how you would use Repeating annotation.

package repeatingannotations;

 * @author imac
 */import java.lang.annotation.Repeatable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

public class RepeatingAnnotations {
   @Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
    public @interface Cars {
        Manufacturer[] value() default{};
    @Manufacturer( "Mercedes Benz")
    @Manufacturer( "Toyota")
    @Manufacturer( "BMW")
    @Manufacturer( "Range Rover")
    public interface Car { 
    @Repeatable(value = Cars.class )
    public @interface Manufacturer {
        String value();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Manufacturer[] a = Car.class.getAnnotationsByType(Manufacturer.class );
        System.out.println("Number of car manufacturers is "+ a.length );
        System.out.println("\n-------Printing out Car Manufacturers--------");
        Cars cars = Car.class.getAnnotation(Cars.class);
        for(Manufacturer car: cars.value()){


Number of car manufacturers is 4——-Printing out Car Manufacturers——–
Mercedes Benz
Range Rover

As you can see, the repeating annotation has to be annotated with @Repeatable annotation.

Retrieving Annotation

There are two ways of accessing them.

  1. Accessing them via their container annotation using getDeclaredAnnotation() or getAnnotation().In the code above, we used this to print out the car manufactures
  2. Accessing them via the getAnnotationsByType() or getDeclaredAnnotationsByType() which are new methods in the Reflection API. We also used this method to print out the number of manufacturers in the code above.


By default, user-defined annotations are not repeatable therefore they have to be annotated with @Repeatable annotation.

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