Bethan Palmer Bethan is a Java developer and a Java Champion. She has spoken at conferences including JavaOne/Code One, DevFest and NetBeans days. She has a degree in English Literature.

What is new in Java 8?

24 sec read

Java 8

Java 8Java 8 has been out for some time now and here at IDRsolutions we have been busy updating our software to take advantage of the new Java 8 features. We have created a set of 5 minute tutorials to cover the new Java 8 features for you:

Java 8 Lambda expressions explained in 5 minutes

Java 8 Streams explained in 5 minutes

Java 8 Default Methods explained in 5 minutes

Java 8 Method References explained in 5 minutes

Java 8 Repeating Annotation explained in 5 minutes

Java 8 Consumer Supplier explained in 5 minutes

Java 8 Optional explained in 5 minutes

If you want to learn more about Java 9, we have a series of articles on what is new in Java 9 here.

What are your favourite Java 8 features? Let us know in the comments.

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Bethan Palmer Bethan is a Java developer and a Java Champion. She has spoken at conferences including JavaOne/Code One, DevFest and NetBeans days. She has a degree in English Literature.