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Book Review: Future Politics (Living together in  a world…

The latest book by Jamie Susskind is a must-read for anyone who wanders (or worries) how technology might change and impact society. Richard Susskind...
Mark Stephens
2 min read

How to Enable SVG Gzip Compression on Apache and…

Gzip compression is a widely supported method of reducing the size of the content sent from a web server in order to improve the...
Leon Atherton
46 sec read

Image Rotation In Java

In this article I will show you how to rotate images in Java. The simplest way to rotate an image in Java is to...
Amy Pearson
1 min read

3 ways in which Java modules will change the…

This month we are looking at which version of Java you should be running. In our other articles, we look at Java 8 vs Java...
Mark Stephens
2 min read

Image Scaling in Java

In this article I will show you how to scale an Image in Java. The simplest way to scale an image in Java is...
Amy Pearson
1 min read