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What are PDF Xref tables?

What are PDF Xref tables? Xref tables are part of the original PDF file specification and one of the features which gives the PDF...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

What are AcroForms?

AcroForms are the original Forms technology added to the PDF file format to provide interactive form elements such at radio buttons, text fields, combo...
Chris Wade
1 min read

PDF stack overflow and underflow

The PDF format makes extensive use of stacks. A stack is like a pile of books. If you add an item it goes on...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How are carriage returns, spaces and other gaps defined…

One of the biggest issues within PDF files we find is  the use of carriage returns, spaces and line feeds as gaps with the...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

What are subsetted fonts in PDF files?

What are subsetted fonts? Subsetted fonts are fonts which  only include certain values. If you look at the fonts on your Computer you will...
Mark Stephens
2 min read