Mark Stephens Mark has been working with Java and PDF since 1999 and is a big NetBeans fan. He enjoys speaking at conferences. He has an MA in Medieval History and a passion for reading.


188 Stories by Mark Stephens

How to set a JButton background

We use a lot of JButtons in our Java PDF viewer and thought that the following observations might be of help to other Java...
1 min read

Java Printing page size problem

Java has a very flexible printing system called JPS which makes printing very easy. Any JComponent can be made to print its contents by...
1 min read

Java Memory leaks with FileChannel

It is a myth that Java has no ‘memory leaks’. It is certainly much better than developing in C and many of the gotchas...
1 min read

How to Save Java images as Tifs with JAI

Java makes it very easy to create images as BufferedImages which  can then be saved out in standard image file formats. Here is the...
1 min read

An Introduction to PDF Font Technologies

PDF Font Technologies The thing which makes PDF fonts so confusing for many people is the number of different font technologies which can be used...
1 min read