Adobe is an American multinational computer software company, and the original creator of the PDF file Format.


No Startxref found in last 1024 bytes opening file…

A PDF file contains a couple of key pointers. One of them is a pointer to the start of the table which describes the...
Mark Stephens
44 sec read

How to identify a PDF file

The best way to identify a PDF file is to scan the first line of the file. In theory the first line of a...
Mark Stephens
49 sec read

JavaScript in PDF to HTML5 Conversion: Introduction

Recently we have begun development on converting the JavaScript contained within PDFs to JavaScript that can be used by any browser browsing the HTML5...
Lyndon Armitage
1 min read

Why writing a PDF parser is such a ‘challenging’…

In theory the PDF file format is specified in detail and is very precise. In practice, you meet alsorts of ‘interesting problems’ – the...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

What is an Indexed Colorspace in a PDF file?

Indexed colorspaces are a very useful way of reducing the amount of memory and space needed when they only have a certain number of...
Mark Stephens
1 min read