An Image is a numeric representation (normally it is binary) of a two-dimensional image. Depending on whether the image resolution is fixed (non changeable), it may be of vector or raster type. Without qualifications, the term “image” usually refers to raster images also called bitmap images.


What is EXIF metadata?

What is Exif? EXIF is a common International standard format for storing metadata as part of an image. This has the advantage of simplicity...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to test image performance of Java libraries with…

What is JMH? Java Microbench mark Harness is a very nice, free tool which allows you to create Java performance tests. This set of...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to write HEIC image files in Java (Tutorial)

In this article, I will cover how to write out images as Heic files in Java. We also have a related article covering how...
Mark Stephens
40 sec read

How to display base64 images in HTML (Tutorial)

When creating HTML files you can display base64 images by several means using local images, external URLs, and by embedding the image as base64...
Kieran France
1 min read

How to extract images from PDF file in Java…

PDF files are not directly supported by Java, you will need external Java PDF libraries. This tutorial shows you how to extract images from...
Mark Stephens
41 sec read

Image processing in Java

In this article I will introduce you to Java Image processing, explain why Java is a good fit and introduce our JDeli image processing...
Mark Stephens
44 sec read