Mark Stephens Mark has been working with Java and PDF since 1999 and is a big NetBeans fan. He enjoys speaking at conferences. He has an MA in Medieval History and a passion for reading.

How to access PDF metadata in Java?

1 min read


PDF files are not directly supported by Java. This tutorial shows you how to extract metadata from a PDF file in simple steps using the JPedal Java PDF library.

Easy ways to access PDF metadata

JPedal Java PDF Library contains a large number of utilities to access information about or inside a PDF file. Here are the common Developer uses:-

  1. Add JPedal to your class or module path. (download the trial jar).
  2. How to find a PDF file page count

    JPedal makes it very easy to scan the pages of a PDF file for text. This features is built into all examples so it also accessible from other examples or as part of the PdfUtilities class.

    PdfUtilities extract=new PdfUtilities("C:/pdfs/mypdf.pdf");
     if (extract.openPDFFile()) {
          int pageCount=extract.getPageCount();    
  3. How to access a PDF file page size and rotation

    Every page in a  PDF document can have its own dimensions and rotation. MediaBox is the actual page size and CropBox is the visible page size (we recommend you always use CropBox.

    PdfUtilities extract=new PdfUtilities("C:/pdfs/mypdf.pdf");
     if (extract.openPDFFile()) {
        float[] pageDimensions = extract.getPageDimensions(pageNum, PageUnits.Inches, 
  4. How to access PDF Document properties

    A PDF document can contain a set of pre-defined Document properties or an XML value containing any data.

    PdfUtilities extract=new PdfUtilities("C:/pdfs/mypdf.pdf");
     if (extract.openPDFFile()) {
          Map mapOfValuePairs=extract.getDocumentPropertyStringValuesAsMap();    
          String XMLStringData=extract.getDocumentPropertyFieldsInXML();
  5. How to detect if embedded fonts used in PDF Document

    JPedal allows the user to see if embeddedFonts are used in the PDF document.

    PdfUtilities extract=new PdfUtilities("C:/pdfs/mypdf.pdf");
     if (extract.openPDFFile()) {
          boolean usesEmbeddedFonts=extract.hasEmbeddedFonts();    

The JPedal PDF library allows you to

Display PDF files in Java Apps
View PDF files in Java
Convert PDF Files to image
Mark Stephens Mark has been working with Java and PDF since 1999 and is a big NetBeans fan. He enjoys speaking at conferences. He has an MA in Medieval History and a passion for reading.