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How big is a PDF Page in bytes?

We all know how big a PDF file is in bytes, but how big is each page? To answer this, you need to understand...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

What text format and style information is in a…

Because PDF is very much an output and display format it does not contain much text formatting information such as paragraph breaks and spaces...
Mark Stephens
39 sec read

BufferedImage raster data in Java

Most of the time, the abstraction you get in Java is brilliant. It hides the complexity and lets you get on with real-life problem...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

What is the PDF file format ?

“The PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format that include text, graphics, multimedia content, interactive features and digital signatures”. It is a versatile...
Mark Stephens
3 min read

How do PDF text coordinates work?

There are several ways to define PDF text coordinates with PDF. When you see the text on the screen, you can see the actual...
Mark Stephens
58 sec read