All Stories

How does a decodeArray work?

When you create an image in a PDF file it is possible to specify that it is inverted or control the range of values....
Mark Stephens
31 sec read

What does the ActualText dictionary tag do?

Text is defined in the PDF file format as a display value (normally what you see onscreen) and an extraction value. It is useful...
Mark Stephens
29 sec read

PDF to HTML conversion – matching PDF page size

A PDF file are designed to be resolution independent – they are defined using resolution independent units so that the page will always appear...
Mark Stephens
52 sec read

PDF to HTML5 Conversion – Adding a navigation Bar…

I are excited to announce one of the new updates which has been added to the current PDF to HTML5 conversion. Amongst other things...
Leon Atherton
1 min read

Debugging Java – what is the difference between a…

This blog article was posted in response to a question on our forum about the difference between our debug and non-debug jars. We you...
Mark Stephens
1 min read