
How to display base64 images in HTML (Tutorial)

When creating HTML files you can display base64 images by several means using local images, external URLs, and by embedding the image as base64...
Kieran France
1 min read

Image conversion in Java

In this article, I will explain why Java is a language to use for image conversion and also introduce you to our JDeli image...
Bethan Palmer
1 min read

Image scaling options in Java

In this article I will give you more information about Image scaling options and some sample code. When scaling up a bitmap image, more...
Bethan Palmer
1 min read

Downsampling by averaging

All the techniques for downsampling involve tradeoffs in terms of speed, quality, and memory usage. They also tend to do better on some types...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to read and write images in Java (Tutorial)

In this post, I will show you how to read and write image files in Java. I will demonstrate 2 different ways of doing...
Bethan Palmer
1 min read

Replacing ImageIO with the JDeli image library

We created JDeli to be a better alternative to ImageIO. If you add JDeli to your classpath, ImageIO will automatically use for all supported...
Bethan Palmer
47 sec read