NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing primarily with Java, but also with other languages, in particular PHP, C/C++, and HTML5. It is also an application platform framework for Java desktop applications and others.
In my previous article “How to write a Media Player in JavaFX using NetBeans IDE – Part 1 “ I showed you how to... At IDR Solutions I have been busy working with JavaFX Viewer and NetBeans IDE, which allows me to explore new features of JavaFX as... At IDR Solutions lately, I have been working a lot with the NetBeans platform has part of my preparation for my talk at JavaOne... At my recent Oracle CodeOne talk on Hacking the NetBeans IDE, I promised to publish the screenshots of my code with some comments. I... NetBeans has been on a very interesting journey over the last two years, moving from the stewardship of Oracle to part of the Apache... To help us prepare for our talks for our talks at Oracle CodeOne – “Writing Better Code (Faster) in the Apache NetBeans IDE ” and “Hacking...