Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.

PDF File Format

Check if a PDF is valid using the HTML5…

Using the HTML5 File API to validate PDF Files Recently in my own time I have been familiarizing myself with the HTML5 File API....
Lyndon Armitage
5 min read

How to edit PDF files using Incremental Updates

Mark has previously written about how to edit PDF files by adding a second reference table, and Daniel made a whole series on making...
Sam Howard
1 min read

Multiple trailers in a PDF file

A PDF file consists of a ‘dump’ of PDF objects and a reference table defining where they are located in the PDF file and...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How are Embedded CMAP tables defined in a PDF…

Every glyf inside a PDF file can have a display value and a different extraction value. This is useful because often you need to...
Mark Stephens
2 min read

What does the ActualText dictionary tag do?

Text is defined in the PDF file format as a display value (normally what you see onscreen) and an extraction value. It is useful...
Mark Stephens
29 sec read

What are PDF Xref tables?

What are PDF Xref tables? Xref tables are part of the original PDF file specification and one of the features which gives the PDF...
Mark Stephens
1 min read