Amy Pearson Amy is a Java developer, member of the support team and product manager for JDeli. Out of hours she enjoys gaming and Virtual reality.

How to write PNG Images in Java (Tutorial)

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PNG images in Java

In this article, I will show you how to write PNG images in Java. We also have a related article covering how to read PNG files in Java. I will look at two methods for PNG image processing with Java, using ImageIO and our JDeli image library.

ImageIO is able to write PNG files, but it offers very little control over the PNG output and produces very large PNG files. So we will also show you our JDeli image library, which can produce much smaller PNG images.

How to write out an image as a PNG file in ImageIO

  1. Create a File (or OutputStream) object for the PNG output.
  2. Pass image, png type and File (or OutputStream) object into write method

and the Java code to write PNG with ImageIO…

File file = new File("/path/to/outputFile.png");
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "PNG", file);

How to write out an image as PNG with JDeli

  1. Add JDeli to your class or module path. (download link to the free trial jar).
  2. Create a File (or OutputStream) object
  3. Pass image, PNG type and File (or OutputStream) object into write method

and the Java code to write PNG with JDeli…

In this example, my original file was a jpg image, and I used JDeli to write it out as a png image:

Are you a Java Developer working with Image files?

Amy Pearson Amy is a Java developer, member of the support team and product manager for JDeli. Out of hours she enjoys gaming and Virtual reality.