Open Source generically, refers to a program in which the source code is free available for the general public to use and/or modification from its original design, and the code is typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community.

Open Source

OpenJDK Projects you should know about: Amber

This month we are focusing on OpenJDK projects you should know about. So far we have already covered Valhalla, Panama, Loom, and Skara. This time...
Bethan Palmer
2 min read

OpenJDK projects you should know about – Loom

This month we are focusing our articles on various OpenJDK projects that are currently in development. So far we have already covered Projects Valhalla, Panama,...
Kieran France
2 min read

OpenJDK projects you should know about: Valhalla

This month we are focusing on OpenJDK projects you should know about. This time we will be covering Valhalla. We have also looked at...
Bethan Palmer
1 min read

5 tips for getting the most out of Apache…

Apache NetBeans Day UK 2018 is fast approaching – Friday 27th April at the University of Greenwich. If you have not yet registered for...
Ovidijus Okinskas
1 min read

Problems with PDF (and how to solve them)

Having worked with PDFs for the good portion of the last decade, the file format does come with its problems. PDFs have been the...
Alex Marshall
1 min read