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How to embed base64 images in SVG (Tutorial)

When creating SVG files you can include images by several means using local images, external URLs, and using base64 images. This tutorial covers how...
Kieran France
1 min read

How to setup SonarQube

This article shows you how to setup the excellent free code quality tool SonarQube. There are many different ways to set up SonarQube, depending...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to find PDF page size in Java (Tutorial)

PDF files are not directly supported by Java. This tutorial shows you how to extract PDF page size (height and width) from a PDF...
Mark Stephens
52 sec read

How to search a PDF file in Java (Tutorial)

This tutorial shows you how to find words in a PDF file in simple steps using JPedal Java PDF library. JPedal includes a PDF...
Mark Stephens
42 sec read

How to extract clipped images from PDF file in…

This tutorial shows you how to extract clipped images from a PDF file in 5 simple steps using the JPedal PDF library. Clipped images...
Mark Stephens
1 min read