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What is Skara (and why does it matter)?

This month we are focusing on OpenJDK projects you should know about. In this post, we will be covering Project Skara. In other posts we...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

OpenJDK projects you should know about – Loom

This month we are focusing our articles on various OpenJDK projects that are currently in development. So far we have already covered Projects Valhalla, Panama,...
Kieran France
2 min read

OpenJDK projects you should know about – Panama

This month we are focusing on OpenJDK projects you should know about. This time we will be covering Project Panama (we have also looked...
Daniel Warren
1 min read

OpenJDK projects you should know about: Valhalla

This month we are focusing on OpenJDK projects you should know about. This time we will be covering Valhalla. We have also looked at...
Bethan Palmer
1 min read

Adding multi-jar and Jigsaw support to JPedal and JDeli

One of the really exciting features added into Java 9 was the ability to have a multi-jar release. This means if you want to...
Mark Stephens
1 min read