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What’s new in JUnit 5?

This month our posts are focusing on code quality and we have already covered how you can use IDEs to improve your code to...
Georgia Ingham
2 min read

How to convert PDF files to SVG (Tutorial)

How to convert a single PDF file to SVG Access your free converter HERE. Select the PDF file you would like to convert Configure...
Leon Atherton
1 min read

Replacing ImageIO with the JDeli image library

We created JDeli to be a better alternative to ImageIO. If you add JDeli to your classpath, ImageIO will automatically use for all supported...
Bethan Palmer
47 sec read

How to use Cipher streams in Java

What is a Cipher stream? Cipher streams act as streams except that they use a Cipher to process the data before it is passed...
Kieran France
3 min read

What is new in Java 8?

Java 8 has been out for some time now and here at IDRsolutions we have been busy updating our software to take advantage of...
Bethan Palmer
24 sec read