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The 8 Cool Raspberry Pi Operating Systems/Projects for Beginners

At IDR Solutions we spend a lot of our time developing our Java PDF Library and PDF to HTML5 Converter. Recently we have been getting involved in...
Alex Marshall
4 min read

Running tests on both JavaFX and Swing using Junit

In a previous article I began to describe how you can set up a test frame using JUnit and Jemmy that could easily be...
Kieran France
3 min read

Java 8 Default Methods Explained in 5 minutes

At IDR Solutions we use Java 8 for the development of our products (a Java PDF Viewer and SDK, PDF to HTML5 converter and a Java ImageIO replacement). In this...
Ernest Duodu
2 min read

Using FindBugs to squash bugs in Java with NetBeans…

Improving your code In 2014, IDRsolutions have been busy adding FindBugs tests which we run on our Java PDF library and PDF to HTML5/SVG converter. So...
Laurence Squires
3 min read

Top 8 IDEs for Programmers, Coders and Beginners on…

At IDR Solutions we spend a lot of our time developing JPedal (our Java PDF Library), JDeli (our Java Image Library) and BuildVu (our PDF...
Alex Marshall
4 min read

A Beginners guide to PDF Lattice Shading

At IDR Solutions Ive spent a lot of time working with the development of the JPedal Java PDF Library and PDF to HTML5 Converter...
1 min read