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Layout Manager – Swing to JavaFX Tutorial

Here at IDRSolutions we have been working on the re-development of our Java PDF Viewer. It currently uses Java Swing, although we are giving it...
Sophia Howard
3 min read

Tutorial : How To Change Color Space from Swing…

At IDRSolutions we are currently in the process of Developing a JavaFX implementation of our PDFViewer. In previous JavaFX articles I have shown : How to Create...
Nathan Howard
2 min read

Running JavaFX on a server

JavaFX on the server??? JavaFX is heavily promoted as a desktop technology to replace Swing. So it might seem slightly strange to suggest running...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

NetBeans Version Control Feature With Mercurial Support.

In this article, I will be talking about NetBeans Version Control Feature with Mercurial Support. Version control is one/if not my favourite feature in NetBeans,...
Sophia Howard
3 min read

Tutorial : How To Change The Cursor in JavaFX

At IDRSolutions, we have a PDFViewer that uses both Swing and JavaFX. In previous JavaFX articles I have shown How to Create Stacked Menus, How to Setup Key Combinations and How...
Nathan Howard
1 min read