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What is PDF form flattening?

PDF files can include interactive forms – radio buttons, checkboxes, text boxes, lists, etc. There are interactive widgets – the user can click on...
Mark Stephens
40 sec read

3 steps to finding a range of numeric values…

Over the holiday I read an interesting question asking how to find numbers within a specific range on a PDF page. This set me...
Mark Stephens
54 sec read

Why is my PDF Producer showing up in Chinese…

I was recently sent a PDF file where some of the metadata appeared to be wrong. In particular, the PRODUCER field was appearing in...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to calculate PDF image dpi

How to calculate PDF Image dpi Most elements of a PDF file are device independent Vector graphics. This means that they will always appear...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

Why is white a special color in PDF files?

White is a special color in the PDF file format. This is because of the way different colours work in the PDF file format....
Mark Stephens
1 min read

7 ways to navigate around a PDF file

Update: You can see all these modes in action on Youtube. A PDF file is a multipage document which can contain many pages. Unlike...
Mark Stephens
1 min read