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PDF to HTML5 conversion – No Even-Odd Winding Rule…

This is part 2 on this subject. If you haven’t already read it, please read part 1 to understand the winding problem. So to...
Leon Atherton
3 min read

PDF to HTML5 conversion – No Even-Odd Winding Rule…

When filling shapes in PDFs (and lots of other technologies) you get a choice between using the Even-Odd or the Non-Zero winding rule. For...
Leon Atherton
1 min read

Avoid transparency when printing in Java

Java has a print mechanism called Java Print Services. In most cases this works brilliantly, but beware the use of transparency in anything you...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How are Embedded CMAP tables defined in a PDF…

Every glyf inside a PDF file can have a display value and a different extraction value. This is useful because often you need to...
Mark Stephens
2 min read

Replacing the deprecated Java JPEG classes for Java 7

In the early days of Java, Sun produced a really handy set of classes to handle JPEG images. These included some really nifty little...
Mark Stephens
1 min read