chika Chika Emebo is part of the IDR Solutions sales and marketing team. She researches and creates marketing opportunities, as well as strategises and executes sales initiatives.

PDF to HTML5 Conversion – Adding a navigation Bar to your HTML5 files

1 min read

I are excited to announce one of the new updates which has been added to the current PDF to HTML5 conversion. Amongst other things the navBar have been updated and now has fully functional CSS3 buttons.

Our navBar now has a slight modification for the better which gives the user a reasonable amount of freedom to modify as required. This is what our navBar looked like.

It was merely just a bunch of text with hyper links on them. However, after some suggestion on appearance. We have taken on board our customer reviews and created a more visually appealing navBar with our logo which links to the PDF to HTML5 page.


We have also added an extra feature which allows the customer to have their own images in place of the buttons if they prefer. The navBar below is an example of the type of images that can be used.


This option can be switched on using the JVM flag


By default the images above would replace the buttons. You can replace the images used with your own version. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Firstly open up the folder containing the html files and  locate the icons folder which contains all icons.
  • Add the images you want to use as buttons into the icons folder.
  • Rename all the images added to the names already in the folder appropriately.

And viola your HTML files has a navBar! However, if you decide that all the fancy stuff is not for you then you can also disable the navBar by changing the images in the JVM command to none. Like this.


What do you think..? What would you like added in the next version?


Our software libraries allow you to

Convert PDF files to HTML
Use PDF Forms in a web browser
Convert PDF Documents to an image
Work with PDF Documents in Java
Read and write HEIC and other Image formats in Java
chika Chika Emebo is part of the IDR Solutions sales and marketing team. She researches and creates marketing opportunities, as well as strategises and executes sales initiatives.