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PDF mystery – what is the correct value for…

I came across an interesting issue with PDF Text fields while debugging a file this week. We were sent a 2 page document created...
Chris Wade
1 min read

Where do PDF viewers get font data for non-embedded…

What are Standard fonts? One of the reasons that the PDF file format is so popular is that it embeds a large amount of...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

Understanding PDF text objects

Understanding PDF Text Objects Inside a PDF is a Postscript stream of commands which describe the page – they draw the text, images or...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to calculate PDF page size in inches or…

The size of a PDF is generally defined by the CropBox or MediaBox setting for each page. This is the number of pixels. This...
Mark Stephens
36 sec read

What is a Linearized PDF?

A linearized PDF is a special way to organize a PDF file. In general, the PDF is a very elegant and well-designed format. A...
Mark Stephens
1 min read