
Tips for transitioning from Hudson to Jenkins

Transitioning from Hudson to Jenkins is actually quite simple once you get into it. Whilst we were making our transitions we found some issues...
Kieran France
2 min read

Java 10’s Experimental JIT Compiler explained in 5 minutes

This month’s theme is Java 10 to tie in with the release of the new Java version. Despite being only 6 months since Java...
Georgia Ingham
1 min read

How to run CheckStyle, PMD and FindBugs from Maven

What is static program analysis? Static analysis provides testing against code bases and binaries without the execution of any code. IDEs do this too...
Ovidijus Okinskas
2 min read

Pros and Cons of Bitbucket Pipelines

Recently I have been looking at our current test suite looking for ways to improve our own tests. As we use Bitbucket we have...
Kieran France
2 min read

What’s new in JUnit 5?

This month our posts are focusing on code quality and we have already covered how you can use IDEs to improve your code to...
Georgia Ingham
2 min read