Alex Marshall Alex Marshall is a marketeer, web developer and designer. He also likes retro technology, classic cars and in his spare time enjoys travelling.

The best tools for a Road Warrior – 10 best Cloud IDE’s

4 min read

MadMax I will be looking at specific development tools for road going developers.

imagesEclipse Orion is one of the projects being worked on by the Eclipse IDE project/foundation. Eclipse Orion uses a browser based interface, and acts as a basic tool for editing files, writing code using a great editor, link to a repository, create a site.. The plug-in architecture found in eclipse is likely to bring many features to the mix in the browser version, Currently there are a few plug-ins, one I find particularity useful is the one for coloring you code..

Because it is browser based means its accessible on a desktop, laptop, tablet, and at any location at an airport waiting lounge, on a train or even in Starbucks, and because its open source there’s a big community behind it.


SourceKitSourcekit is a lightweight programmer’s text editor right inside of Chrome with a more streamlined interface compared to to bloated desktop development suites. It supports all the major languages such as C/C++/C#, PHP, Python, Javascript, MySQL, Java and Ruby. SourceKit also saves files directly to Dropbox, so if you have the Dropbox sync software installed, the changes made in the code will appear locally, a perfect tool for web developers.

indexCodenvy is an cloud IDE for developers and also has good support for corporate teams with advanced collaboration, security, and enterprise options and features, it contains a collection of tools which are fully featured and fully integrated with a Cloud Foundry for building and deploying code. Codenvy supports Ruby, Java, PHP, and Python languages as well as the OpenSocial gadget. CodeEnvy will build your project and run it in the Codenvy cloud environment and when its ready, it can be moved to your servers. Codenvy operates a freemium pricing strategy with a free community plan with support via the community, unlimited projects, shared builder and runner queues, other features are available for premium, personal, academic or Enterprise plans.

Koding (previously known as Kodingen)

index.2jpgKoding or Kodingen as it was previously known as was one of the first Cloud editors/ web-based IDEs that was said to have done it the right way. The online development environment is owned by Koding, Inc. and allows for programmers to collaborate online.

This platform supports multiple programming languages, including Python, Java, Perl, Node.js, Ruby, C, C++,PHP, Javascript and Go  and works with popular frameworks such as Django, Ruby on Rails and Node.js and as a rich and diverse community of users that patronize the service, collaboration and sharing in the Cloud fairly convenient as well. It is free to use and experiment with, there’s no reason not to sign up for an account, sign up and give it a try.


232Akshell is a online IDE for building server-side web apps in JavaScript, and can be deployed on their cloud servers and its completely free to use.  Its been around for a while but recently underwent a completely new redesigned of the user interface and is built upon the Cappuccino framework. It is mainly suited for providing a very rich and desktop-like experience. due to its server-side development environment it gives coders a lightweight tool for putting together Javascript web apps. It uses a PostgreSQL database for back-end storage abd easy to work with for those familiar with MySQL.

There is also an integrated Git console, If your road going Javascript coder looking for a capable Cloud IDE that’s fast and stable, Akshell’s the one choice for you.

Neutron IDE

ndNeutron Drive (IDE) lets you edit your code anywhere, whether your at the airport, train station or Starbucks with just a web browser. Neutron is integrated with Google Drive which will sync your code wherever you wish. It uses the Ace code editor and contains lots of features from SFTP clients and browser editors and supports configurable Vi and Emacs key bindings as well as TextMate themes, syntax highlighting, realtime markdown previews, auto indent and outdent, file browser, tabbed interface, search and replace, hosting, and more…and it’s highly customizable. Its free to use too.


Capture1Collide began its life as a Google Code project with a lot of promise. its name is derived from (collaborative IDE), and is a web-based collaborative code editor. Although it is now defunct and what was released was extremely stripped down  the most interesting tech stuff around collaborative editing is all there. The source code is freely available to anybody that wants to fork it and it currently runs on the Java 7 JRE that relies on a host of solid software tools like Guava, JUnit, JKit and EasyMock.
Although its a little stripped down and sparten in comparison to the current available developer tools it provides a powerful collaboration and functionality tool to teams of programmers who value real-time interactivity.

imagesjsjsFiddle is an online Integrated Development Environment (ide) that is hosted in a browser allow that allows users to create and execute code written in JavaScript. There is alot of integration with all of the major libraries and documentation to help you create Web pages and there is also a sophisticated code repository that lets you easily fork projects to build upon (or off in this case) that others have been working on on before. Ideal for a Road Warrior who works with Javascript a lot..

Capture3The Python Fiddle is the Phyton IDE for the web. what started out originally as a tool for playing around with and modifying live example code has grown into a full-fledged IDE with the power to develop and share projects. Python Fiddle has a wide community base, and many of the online lectures at university’s and academic institutions now include examples in Python Fiddle and is highly familiar with alot of coders, this means its ideal for the road going developer.


logoCodeMirror is a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for browsers. It is specialized for editing code, and comes with a number of language modes and addons that implement more advanced editing functionaly. It is an open-source project shared under an MIT license and the editor is used in Light Table, Adobe Brackets, Google Apps Script, Bitbucket, and many other projects big and small. Development and bug tracking happens on github (alternate git repository). and CodeMirror features, include themes, highlighting, and key bindings for your favorite editor, 60 languages out of the box, xml features, search and replace functionality and more. The list is big and you’ll find something on the list that you’ve never heard of before.

Hopefully you’ve found this list of 10 Best Development tools for Road Warriors, next time in the ‘Road Warrior Series’ I’ll be looking at best portable apps for everyone who are road going warriors in their field of work.

What are your favorite development tool for being on the move? Let us know.


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Alex Marshall Alex Marshall is a marketeer, web developer and designer. He also likes retro technology, classic cars and in his spare time enjoys travelling.

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