Text refers to the font/ text and/or is styled with some of the text formatting properties.


What are subsetted fonts in PDF files?

What are subsetted fonts? Subsetted fonts are fonts which  only include certain values. If you look at the fonts on your Computer you will...
Mark Stephens
2 min read

Problems caused by Arial font in PDF files

Arial is a very popular font with a contemporary sans serif design. Arial font family is also on the font families assumed to be...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

What are CID fonts?

There are 2 main font technologies used in PDF font files (Postscript/Type1 and Truetype). There is also a ‘merged’ format which borrows features from...
Mark Stephens
53 sec read

How is text stored in a PDF file?

Text is defined in PDF files by a Font object and a set of TJ commands. So you will see something like this in...
Mark Stephens
55 sec read

Why is my PDF Producer showing up in Chinese…

I was recently sent a PDF file where some of the metadata appeared to be wrong. In particular, the PRODUCER field was appearing in...
Mark Stephens
1 min read