Here at IDR Solutions we like to create useful tutorial guides to help with common problems that people can sometimes come across.


Running tests on both JavaFX and Swing using Junit

In a previous article I began to describe how you can set up a test frame using JUnit and Jemmy that could easily be...
Kieran France
3 min read

A Beginners guide to PDF Lattice Shading

At IDR Solutions Ive spent a lot of time working with the development of the JPedal Java PDF Library and PDF to HTML5 Converter...
1 min read

How to write a Media Player in JavaFX using…

In my previous article “How to write a Media Player in JavaFX using NetBeans IDE – Part 1 “ I showed you how to...
Sylwia Dorota Kedzia
2 min read

What is the difference between Java and JavaFX?

In my last article I explained the difference between HTML5 and SVG. Since then, another request has been for a simple answer to the...
Mark Stephens
1 min read

How to write a WebBrowser plugin in JavaFX for…

At IDR Solutions lately, I have been working a lot with the NetBeans platform has part of my preparation for my talk at JavaOne...
Sylwia Dorota Kedzia
5 min read

A 6 Step guide on ‘How to create expandable…

At IDR Solutions we spend alot of time working with XFA in our Java PDF Library. I have spent a lot of time working...
1 min read